
OCC at the BICSI 2013 Winter Conference

Each year, the BICSI Winter Conference is one of the biggest annual trade shows for the data communications industry.  This show continues to be a great venue for contractors, installers and end users to learn about new technologies, products and solutions whether attending the various conference sessions or visiting the over 150 booths of exhibitors.  In addition to all the great technology and products showcased,  this year is BICSI’s 40th anniversary and OCC’s 30th anniversary, which made this definitely a show to remember!

Pre-game huddle before the show opened at BICSI!

OCC was very proud to be showcasing two of our newest products at this year’s BICSI Winter Conference.  OCC’s new Cellular Distribution System (CDS) 4G which we originally launched at the BICSI Fall Conference in Anaheim, CA certainly received a great deal of praise at this year’s show!  Our new CDS product provides wireless enhancement to help resolve all your low cellular strength issues for in-building applications.  It is designed as a complete kit so that you have everything you need to mitigate your 4G communications dead zones while also supporting legacy 2G and 3G services.  Those who stopped by booth #410 certainly loved that particular feature of OCC’s CDS!  We also showcased our Procyon™ solution that was first launched at BICSI last year in Orlando, FL We were very excited to have so many customers, old and new, stop by our booth to check out our new Procyon™ system and learn more about how it can be implemented in their workspace.

Another great thing that we love about BICSI every year are the daily presentations.  This year, DAS was undoubtedly a hot topic and OCC was excited to attend several sessions on the subject.  One of our favorite sessions that we really enjoyed attending was the “Enabling Wireless Broadband Indoors and on Campus through DAS and Small Cell Deployments.”  It was interesting to learn that most of the DAS providers and carriers, such as AT&T and Verizon, are focusing on the larger installations rather than the smaller ones.  This was another confirmation that OCC’s development of a DAS solution optimized for small to mid-size installations, simplified to enable traditional structured wiring contractors to install was the right decision.

OCC is continuing to make tremendous steps forward with our developments of new products and solutions and 2013 will be no exception!  Stay tuned to OCC’s Blog and Social Media outlets to get your first look at some of the exciting developments we are bringing to the data communications industry.